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Discover press articles, books, documents, exhibitions and openings that talk about Peter Valentiner

Mar 22, 19882 min read
Abstract Art : Peter Valentiner at "Old Mill" Gallery
Schmallenberg. (RV) A guitar lies next to the easel, a pencil tip wanders over the white sheet of paper: it draws a circle for the sound...

Mar 20, 19882 min read
Exhibition opening Peter Valentiner 20.3.1988
Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honour and a pleasure for me to welcome you here on behalf of the Kunstverein Stadt-Schmallenberg e.V. and...

Peter Valentiner
Mar 9, 19881 min read
Exhibition - French Institute of Cologne
A must-see, on your screens or at the Institute on the big screen, a Franco-German duplex production for young people ARD-SEPT-FR3.

Philippe Seulliet
Mar 1, 19883 min read
Vogue décoration March 1988 - The cult of objects (Gérard Badin)
Opposite page, Art Brut work in front of a painting by P. Valentiner (1976). Gérard Babin His style is eclectic, as are his highly...

Philippe Seulliet
Jan 1, 19883 min read
Plaisir de la Maison - Such a great passion for objects (Gérard Badin)
Opposite page, Art Brut work in front of a painting by P. Valentiner (1976). Gérard Babin His style is eclectic, as are his highly...

Dec 9, 19871 min read
"Revelation" in the Cloth Factory - Five painters exhibit - Vernissage on Friday at 7 p.m.
"Revelation" is the theme of an exhibition organised by the Visual Arts Working Group of the Kulturwerkstatt Trier E. V. from next Friday...

Hans Ludwig Schulte
Dec 9, 19872 min read
"Religious Art" in the Cloth Factory - Paintings and objects by artists on display
"Revelation" is the title of a new exhibition opened last week at the Tuchfabrik in Trier, where five artists from the "Kulturwerkstatt...

Louis Valtat
May 5, 19872 min read
32nd Salon de Montrouge Louis Valtat
Read the book It is difficult to describe the journey that this 32nd MONTROUGE CONTEMPORARY ART SHOW represents! The key words defining...

Peter Valentiner
Mar 1, 19871 min read
Ad-Hoc - The secret gardens of painting
Read the book Reference to the text below on pages 58 and 59 The Akademos Garden Use simple straight or curved line elements or broken,...

Peter Valentiner
Jan 1, 19871 min read
"Hommage à Wolfgang Mattheuer" 1987
Finding sounds for the concert. When the eye has had its fill of a sonorous red sound, the next sound beckons: a transition from blue to...

Elisabeth Couturier
Jun 11, 19861 min read
Art Press 106 - Galerie Françoise Palluel
14 June-12 July 1986 To close the 85-86 season, Françoise Palluel presented three young artists, each of whom, in his or her own way,...

Jun 6, 19862 min read
Layers of colour create perspective and depth
Peter Valentiner's paintings at the Kunstverein With the Danish-born Peter Valentiner, the Kunstverein once again presents an artist who...

Birgit Andrich
Apr 21, 19862 min read
Abstract forms in light colours
P. Valentine's paintings at the Kunstverein "The viewer is placed in a position that enables him to gain a new way of looking at things."...

Oberbergische Volks-Zeitung
Dec 17, 19852 min read
Pictures of Valentiner in Gummersbach
Mf. Gummersbach. He was born in Copenhagen as a French citizen, commutes between his residences in Moskauer Straße in Berlin, the Belgian...

Kölner Stadt Anzeiger
Dec 1, 19851 min read
Art of stature adorns bank foyer
Only his "little ones". Peter Valentiner (left) shows paintings in the bank. He usually paints in larger formats. Gummersbach (il) -...

Parc Hyungyu
Nov 14, 19852 min read
Exhibition of Maniére, Seoul, Paris 1985
This is the year of the 1st year of Korean Hanji and Buddhism. As you know, the flourishing Paris is called the city of intention, so it...

Kölner Kulturberichte
Oct 25, 19851 min read
School of Seeing
Exhibitions at Westernhagen and in the Centre Two galleries have set up shop again in the Belgisches Viertel: Westernhagen at...

Peter Valentiner
Sep 11, 19850 min read

Peter Valentiner
Sep 11, 19850 min read

Kaarst Aktuel
May 2, 19851 min read
Between Freedom and Compulsion
"A pendulum between freedom and constraint" - this is how one could describe the works of an artist who has been exhibiting in the foyer...

Kaarst Stadtspiegel
May 1, 19851 min read
Moods Standing in painted space
Büttgen - Many who look at Peter Valentiner's pictures would call it chaos, others would argue that it is a captivating penetration with...

Apr 28, 19853 min read
Fascinating play of contrasts - Peter Valentiner exhibits at Butzen Town Hall
Büttgen. Tina Turner in Düsseldorf's Philips Hall, Peter Valentiner in Büttgen's town hall. Was that the alternative for many who stayed...

M. Reuter
Apr 26, 19851 min read
Contemporary Art in Büttgen
Yesterday evening, an exhibition of paintings by the French painter Peter Valentiner opened in the foyer of the town hall; our photo...

Gisela von Westernhagen
Feb 3, 19851 min read
Document by Gisela von Westernhagen
In the exhibition, which starts on 3 February in my gallery, I give a concentrated overview of the work of the French artist: PETER...
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