is an exhibition at the Library of Tours, promoted by Groupe 37, as a mobilisation. Art as a weapon. Pertany to what Gassiot-Talabot preaches: spontaneous and free groups that, on the initiative of some, allow, outside the official circuits, confrontations and activities, the importance of which is increasingly confirmed.
After the transcendental exhibition in Montpeller, Tours was attended by the local Groupe 37, the ABC group, from Montpeller; the Centre d'Art Plàstic d'Aquitània, from Bordeus; the Solstice, from Vierzon; l'Intervention, from Niça; the Limerat, from Bordeus; Recerca Plàstica, from Turena, and the group of Catalan Painters, with works by Beni, les Divinarianes de J. L. Garcia-Severo, the IBM 360/11, Joan Rabascall and some multiples by Jaume Xifra.
Alexandre Cirici