Dear Sir,
The Georges Pompidou National Centre of Art and Culture takes great pleasure
in informing you of its new project of putting all the works featuring in its collections on line on its Internet site.
This means that, from October 2003, the public will have progressive access to some 50,000 works of national heritage placed under the Centre's responsibility, which can be consulted at the online service URL address: https://www.centrepompidou.fr.
This consultation, with the images proposed limited to 72 DPI, does not authorise professional reproduction.
As your work is present in our Collections and will therefore be freely available, I would be obliged if you would give us your free consent for the iconography to be presented shortly.
Please find attached 2 copies in French of the consent request. Would you please return us one copy, duly signed by you. For your understanding, we send the translation of the consent request in English.
Thank you very much for your valuable collaboration.
Yours sincerely,
Philippe Bidaine
Directeur des Éditions du Centre Pompidou