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"Surroundings" To get to the heart of the provinces


The only reason to have an exhibition is the confrontation it allows between the public and the artists. This is the intention of a group of young Tourangeaux who have just set up an event on the second floor of the Bibliothèque Municipale. Thus, after a first experience tried a year ago in Sainte-Croix, Valentiner and Charles Le Bouil, helped by Jacques Lemerre, François Aimelet, Patrick Collandre, also assisted, let us note the fact, by the office of the Cultural Affairs of the City and by Mr. Fillet, the curator, gathered on the banks of the Loire, 41 artists from the province. From the provinces and who have never yet exhibited in Paris. This is why this opposition between Paris and the rest was highlighted in the very title of this exhibition: "Environs". Charles Le Bouil puts it well: "A show showing various current trends in provincial art, a proposal aimed less at the natives of the centre of interest (Paris in this case), who deliberately have their own artists, places and areas of predilection, than at those of the surrounding area, the periphery.

After "Provinces", the second key word is "pro-position". That is, advanced position. It illustrates each of the works, resolutely avant-garde, made of a lot of research, even if some clichés have already been used (but what has been seen once becomes a cliché); also made of a lot of sincerity, and this is not paradoxical.

This exhibition should interest us provincials. And on this occasion, we will have to show our presence not only to the people of Touraine who took responsibility for it, but also to the people of Nantes, Nice, Grenoble, Beauceron, Lyon and Rouen. Better than an escape, today's art is an encounter where the threads are renewed between the creator and the viewer.

This exhibition, whose opening took place on Friday, will remain open until 22 May, from 10 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 7 pm.


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