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Window: Works by artists (Blue)

Ernst Purk Verlag


Dear art lovers, the scene is on the move. Galleries are closing their branches, reducing exhibition space, scouring their distributors to cut costs. Others are opening new spaces overseas or withdrawing completely. Gallery owners are separating from artists, artists are separating from gallery owners. On the one hand, the run on the fair booths is increasing, on the other hand, people are opting for security, sitting out once and not participating in the fair, instead presenting traditional works in their own rooms. Art magazines change publishers or cease operations. Times are more difficult, competition has become tougher. Traditional farms of mediation wear out. New situations require new solutions. Take artist window, for example. In addition to the artist art magazine, artist window will exist in this form in the future. This is an opportunity for galleries, artists and art dealers to present their work to a broad public. Artist window will be published in an edition of 5000 copies, distributed free of charge at international art fairs, partly enclosed with the artist art magazine and sent to selected galleries, art associations and critics. This is how you reach an international audience. New situations require new solutions.

Ernst Purk Verlag

Artist window


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